

Don Quixote Saves the Lady

ith these words, he rode forward. Then, stopping in the middle of the road, he called loudly to the priests. "Stop, you sons of the Devil. Set free the good princess whom you are taking away in that c
arriage. If you refuse you shall die here, as a proper punishment for your wickedness."

The priests stopped, greatly surprised at Don Quixote's words. One of them answered, "Sir knig
ht, we are not sons of the Devil, but two priests. We know nothing of a princess; nor do we know whether there is one in that carriage."

"It is no good telling me lies," replied Don Quixote. Without another word, he rushed at the nearest priest with his lance. Luckily, the priest jumped off his mule, and saved himself.

Sancho Panza and the Priest's Servants

When the second priest saw his companion attacked in this way, he rode away as fast as his mule could go. The other lay still, where he had fallen. Sancho then came, and began
to take off the priest's clothes.
说这些话时,他骑马向前。 然后,停在马路中央,对那两个牧师大声叫道。 「站住!你们这两个魔鬼的子孙! 把你们要用马车载走的好公主放开! 假如你们拒绝的话,就要你们死在这里,当作对你们邪恶行径的适当惩罚。」
那两个牧师停下来,对唐吉诃德的话大吃一惊。 其中一个答道:「武士先生,我们不是魔鬼的子孙,只是两个牧师。 我们对什么公主一无所知。我们也不知道那辆马车里是否有一个公主。」
「对我撒谎可没有用,」唐吉诃德答道。 没多说什么,他举着长矛就冲向靠近他的牧师。 很幸运地,那个牧师跳下骡子,逃过一劫。
当第二个牧师看到他的同伴被这样攻击的时候,就催他的骡子使出最快的速度逃开。 另外一个则静静地躺在他摔下来的地方。 接着桑科过来,开始剥掉那个牧师的衣服。
