


When Hercules was a baby he liv
ed in the palace of Amphitryon, King of Thebes. Although Amphitryon loved the baby dearly and provided many women to wait on him and care for him, Hercules was not his own child. He was the son of the great god Jupiter
, king of the heavens, and of Alcmene, granddaughter of Perseus.

King Amphitryon was proud of him because he was much larger and stronger than other babies. But Juno, who was the queen of all the godde
sses, hated this little son of Jupiter.

One day the goddess sent two great serpents to destroy Hercules as he lay in his cradle, but Hercules wakened as the serpents rustled over his linen coverlet, and, reaching ou
t his strong little hands, he grasped them around the neck andheld them tight until they were strangled. His nurses, hearing him chuckle, knew his nap was over, so they came in to take him up. There lay the two serpent
s dead in his cradle!

This was such a wonderful thing for a baby to do, that King Amphitryon boasted of it all over his kingdom. As Hercules grew older, the king found the wisest teachers to train him
in all the ways in which a prince should be trained.
当海克力斯还在襁褓中的时候,他就住在底比斯王安菲屈的宫殿里。 虽然,安菲屈非常喜欢这个婴儿,安排了很多侍女来服侍他、照顾他。但是,海克力斯并不是他自己的孩子, 他乃是天神朱比特与伯休斯的孙女雅克梅妮所生的。
国王安菲屈因他而感到骄傲,因为,他比其它的婴儿要巨大得多,也强壮得多。 但是,天后朱诺却不喜欢朱比特的这个小儿子。
有一天,海克力斯正躺在摇篮里,朱诺派遣两条大毒蛇去伤害他。但是,当这两条蛇在他的麻布被单上爬得发出沙沙声时,海克力斯醒来了,他伸出强壮的小手,抓住这两条蛇的头,并紧紧地握着,直到它们被扼死为止。 当他的保姆们听到他咯咯的笑声,知道他的小睡已经结束了,于是进来抱他。 哎呀一声!竟发现他的摇篮里躺着两条死了的大毒蛇。
一个襁褓中的孩子,居然做了这样一件令人惊讶的事,国王安菲屈在他的整个王国之内到处炫耀。 当海克力斯长大了,国王找来最博学的老师,以一个王子所应该接受训练的各种方式来训练他。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
