

While the nymphs and the shepherds made light of the decision against their friend, Midas, who could
not appreciate the lyre, but who was just suited by the music of the pipe, jumped up and cried out, "This is unjust! Pan's music is better than that of Apollo!"

At this, all but Apollo laughed. He was angry. He looked severely at the ears of Midas, which must have heard so crudely. All at once King Midas felt his ears growing long and furry. He clapped his hands over them and rushed to a sp
ring nearby, where he could see himself. His ears had been changed into those of an ass.

So Midas was punished by the gods a second time for his foolishness. He was very much ashamed
of those long, furry ears, and always after that wore a great, purpleturban to hide them.

One day, when the court-barber was cutting Midas's hair, he discovered the King's secret, and was so much astonished that he dro
pped his shears on the floor with a great clatter. He knew he might lose his head if he should tell what he had seen. So he said not a word to any mortal soul; but one day, to relieve his mind, he went to a lonely plac
e, dug a hole in the ground, and whispered what he had seen to the earth. Then he put the soil back, and so buried the secret.
当女神和牧羊人们迅速地做了对他们的朋友不利的决定时,不懂欣赏竖琴,又偏爱笛子音乐的麦得斯王跳起来,并大声抗议:「这样不公平! 牧羊神的音乐比阿波罗的优美!」。 听见这句话,在场的除了阿波罗,全都哄然大笑。
阿波罗非常生气。 他严厉地盯着只是听过粗俗音乐的麦得斯王的耳朵。 麦得斯王突然觉得他的耳朵变长了,而且毛茸茸的。 他「啪擦」地一声,用双手摀住耳朵,跑到附近的泉水旁,在那里他可以看到自己。 他的耳朵变成驴子的耳朵。
于是麦得斯王再一次因自己的愚蠢而遭到众神的处罚。 而那长又多毛的耳朵令他羞愧不已、无地自容。从此以后,他为了遮住那双耳朵,总是戴着一条紫色的大头巾。
有一天宫廷的理发师在替麦得斯王剃头发时,发觉国王的秘密。由于他大吃一惊,以致让他的剪刀掉落到地板上,卡嗒一声,发出很大的声音。 他知道如果把所见的情形说出来,或许会因此丢了脑袋。 所以他不敢向任何人透露半句话,不过,有一天为了纾解心中的负担,他来到荒芜的地方在地上挖了一个洞,把自己所看到的向土地倾诉。 然后再把洞填平,以为从此秘密就隐藏住了!

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
