

Near her a lovely lotus tree drooped its branches over the water, and the baby reached his hands towa
rd the purple flowers.

Dryope picked some of the clusters and gave them to the baby, and Iola had just reached her hand to gather another cluster when they noticed purple drops falling from the broken stems.

Just then an aged wood-gatherer came by, and raising his hands in horror said that the nymph Lotus lived in this tree. They had broken the branches and now the nymph would die. Surely the gods w
ould send a terrible punishment.

As he spoke, Dryope felt a strange stiffness come into her feet, and bark began to creep upwards over her body. Branches sprang from her two arms, and she could no long
er fold them around the baby, who fell tumbling to the grass.

Iole clung to her sister as if she would hold back the brown bark that crept over her.

Soon a young lotus tree stood in Dr
yope's place. Only her face remained among the branches and looked sadly down on her baby and her sister.

She begged that Iole would bring the baby every day to play under the tree, and charged her esp
ecially to teach him never to break a branch or to pick a flower.

这时候,恰巧有个拾柴的老人从附近经过,伸手跟她打招呼,他说山泽女神葛蒂丝就寄身在这颗树中。 她们折断了这些树枝,这个女神立即就会死去, 诸神也一定会降下可怕的惩罚。
老人正说着的时候,德瑞欧琵的脚上突然感受到有种奇特的僵硬感觉,树皮也开始慢慢地由下而上朝她的身上滋长。 她的双臂突然长出了树枝,使她不能再用手臂拥抱她那摔倒在草地上的孩子!
顷刻间,一株幼小的忘忧树,矗立在德瑞欧琵原来的位置, 仅剩下她的脸尚显露在树枝间,悲伤地望着她的幼儿与妹妹。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
