


Pygmalion was a sculptor who could
think of nothing but his chisels and the marble and ivory with which he loved to work. Beautiful Greek girls came walking by his window, and peeped in at the door to watch him, but he never raised his head or paid the least attention t
o them.

One day Pygmalion chose the largest, most perfect piece of ivory in the kingdom. When the laborers had brought it to his home, he took his keenest tools and began to carve the ivory with delica
te care.

"There is no maiden living," said Pygmalion, "so beautiful as this statue that I shall make."

For weeks he worked, stopping only to eat and at night to throw himself on the fl
oor beside the statue to rest.

Day by day the figure grew more lovely. At last it seemed so perfect that nothing could be done to make it more wonderful. Still Pygmalion worked, smoot
hing and carving the ivory until it was indeed more beautiful than any Greek maiden in the land.

When the statue was finished, Pygmalion clothed it in soft garments and hung jewels around the ivory neck. He spent all his time admiring and adoring the figure he had made. He named it "Galatea," which means "Sleeping Love."
琵美林是一位雕刻家,他除了用来作雕刻的凿子,以及大理石和象牙之外,什么都不想要! 美丽的希腊少女来到他的窗前走动,而且由门边偷偷地瞧着他,但是他却从不抬起头来,或稍微注意她们一下。
有一天,琵美林在国内挑了一块最大、最完美无瑕的象牙作为雕刻之用。 当工人将象牙搬到家里之后,他拿了最锐利的工具,开始精雕细琢这块象牙。
琵美林说:「现在,世界上没有一个少女能比得上我所要雕塑的美丽少女了!」。 他工作了好几个星期,只有在吃饭的时候才休息,晚上,他就倒在塑像旁边的地板上睡觉。
日子一天一天地过去了,这塑像也愈来愈美丽可爱。 最后,它看起来似乎已达到完美无缺了。 但是,琵美林仍不歇手,继续地琢磨着、雕着,直到这尊塑像,确实比这国土之内的任何希腊少女都要美丽时,才愿意停手。
当塑像完成之后,琵美林给它穿上柔软的衣裳,将珠宝挂在这象牙雕像的颈项上。 他无时无刻不在赞赏、爱慕着这尊塑像。 将她取名为「歌乐蒂」!意思就是:「沉睡中的爱人。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
