

The icy water gushed forth from a smooth rock, far higher than any one could climb, and as it rushed
down its narrow channel it shouted, "Fly from me! Beware! Thou wilt perish!" On either side of the black stream was a cave, and in each cave lived a fiercedragon. When Psyche came t
o the place and saw all this, she was so horrified that she could not move or speak. Nevertheless, she accomplished this task also; for Jupiter's eagle, to whom Love had been kind, took the crystal vase and filled it for her at the foun

Psyche ran back to Venus with the water, hoping to please her this time. But Venus was still angry. "You are a witch," said she, "or you could not do these things. However, here is one task more. Take this box, carry it down into the underworld, and ask Proserpine if you may not bring back to me some of her beauty."

When Psyche heard this, she felt sure that V
enus meant to destroy her, and thinking that it was of no use to struggle longer against the persecutions of the goddess, she climbed up the stairway of a lofty tower, intending to throw herself down from the top. But the stones of the tower cr
ied out to her: "Listen, Psyche! From yonder dark chasm choked with thorns, a path leads down to the under-world. Take a piece of barley-bread in each hand, and two pieces of money in your mouth, then follow this rough
那冰凉的水从远高于任何人所能爬的光滑岩石上涌出,它一边由狭小的水路冲下,一边吼叫:「远远避开我! 小心! 妳死定了!」 那黑色小河的两侧各有一个洞穴,各住着狰狞的蛟龙。 莎姬来到那地方,看到全部的情景,因为实在太恐怖了,导致她僵在原地,动弹不得,也说不出话来! 尽管如此,她还是完成了这项任务,原来爱神所珍爱的朱比特之鹰,衔起那个水晶壶,替她在那泉水中汲取了满满的一壶水。
莎姬满心期待这回能让维纳斯满意。她提着那壶水,回到维纳斯的地方。 但是维纳斯还是很生气。 「妳是女妖!」她说:「否则你是不可能完成这种事情的。
不过,还有一件事。 拿着这只箱子,到下界去,要求布拉瑟蓓恩是否能让你带回她的几分美丽愿望给我。」 莎姬听了这席话,便认定维纳斯打算毁灭她。由于一想到女神对自己的迫害,自己再怎么艰苦奋斗也是没有用,因此想要从那个楼顶上跳下来,于是攀登高楼的楼梯。
然而高楼的石块却朝她大叫:「听着,莎姬! 从对面被荆棘遮住的黑暗缝隙,有一条小路可以通往下界。 两手各拿着一小片大麦面包,口里衔着两枚钱币,由此寻着凹凸不平的道路前进。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
