

Just as he had raised a morsel of food to his mouth, a Harpy would swoop down with a great rush of wi
ngs, snatch the food, and carry it away.

The sons of Boreas, feeling sorry for the poor old king, spread their purple wings, which were larger and stronger than those of the Harpies, rushed out from the Argo, drove the
Harpies away, and chased them over the mountains.

The blind old king, whose name was Phineus, was very grateful to the sons of Boreas. He asked where the Argonauts were going. When he
found that they were going to Colchis in quest of the Golden Fleece, he told them how to contrive a safe passage through the Symplegades, two huge rocks which the Argonauts would have to pass when they entered the Black Sea.

Many and many a good ship had been crushed by the Symplegades; for when a ship or any moving object passed between them, these rocks had a trick of whirling around on their bases, and then crashing together with a force that would grind almost any s
ubstance into powder. To avoid such a calamity, King Phineus told the Argonauts to send a dove through the narrow passage between the rocks; and the moment that the rocks, after closing, began to swing open again, to row the Argo throug
h with all possible speed,before they could close a second time.

那位名叫「菲尼亚斯」瞎眼的老国王,十分感谢波丽亚斯的儿子们。 并问「阿格号」的一行人要往哪里去。 而一明白他们要去可吉斯寻找金羊毛,于是就告诉他们如何使「阿格号」在前往黑海时,安全地通过「怪二子岩」的两块巨石。
有众多坚固的船都被「怪二子岩」压得粉碎,那是因为船或任何会动的物体由它们中间穿越时,岩石的基部会产生旋转,然后用几乎可以粉碎任何东西的力量,碰撞在一起。 为了避开这样的灾难,菲尼亚斯王教「阿格号」一行人,先放出一只鸽子,让它通过岩石间狭隘的通路,在岩石相撞而开始分开和岩石再度相撞的那一瞬间,要尽力全速地使阿格号通过。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
