


It happened one day
that Silenus, who was the oldest of the satyrs and was now very feeble, became lost in the vineyards of King Midas. The peasants found him wandering helplessly about, scarcely able to walk, and brought him to the king.

Long ago, when the mother of Bacchus had died, and when Mercury had brought the infant Bacchus to this mountain and put him in the care of the nymphs, Silenus had acted as nurse and teacher to the little wine-god. Now that Silen
us had grown old, Bacchus in turn took care of him. So King Midas sent the peasants to carry the satyr safely to Bacchus.

In return for this kindness, Bacchus promised to grant whatever King Midas migh
t ask. King Midas knew well enough what he most desired. In those days, kings had treasuries in their palaces, that is, safe places where they could lay away valuable things. The treasury of King Mida
s contained a vast collection of rich jewels, vessels of silver and gold, chests of gold coins, and other things that he considered precious.
在很久很久以前,贝可斯的母亲去世时,麦可瑞将还是婴儿的贝可斯送到这座山上来,让女神们扶养他,那时候赛利勒斯负责担任那位小酒神的保护人和老师。 赛利勒斯如今年老了,而轮到贝可斯来照顾他。 因此,麦得斯王命令百姓们把这位森林之神安全地送到贝可斯那里。
为了答谢这番好意,贝可斯愿意答应麦得斯王所要求的任何东西。 麦得斯王相当明白自己最想要的是什么? 在那个时代,国王所居住的宫殿,就是收藏贵重物品的安全地方。 麦得斯王的宝藏中有大量搜集的价值不菲的宝石、金银器皿、数箱金币、以及其它他认为贵重的物品。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
