

Nor was it always spring any longer. The fresh young grasses that had clothed al
l the hillsides, and the gay-coloured flowers that had given Epimetheus and Pandora so much pleasure were scorched by hot summer suns and bitten by the frosts of autumn. Oh, it was a sad thing for the world, when all those wicked little
Troubles were let loose!

All the Troubles escaped from the box, but when Pandora let the lid fall so hastily, she shut in one little winged creature, a kind of good fairy whose name was Hope. This little
Hope persuaded Pandora to let her out. As soon as she was free, she flew about in the world, undoing all the evil that the Troubles had done, that is, as fast as one good fairy could undo the evil work of such a swarm.
No matter what evil thing had happened to poor mortals, she always found some way to comfort them. She fanned aching heads with her gossamer wings; she brought back the colour to pale cheeks; and, best of all, she whispered to those who
were growing old that they should one day be young again.

So this is the way that Troubles came into the world, but we must not forget that Hope came with them.
而且,不再有永恒的春天! 那些覆盖在山腰上的新鲜嫩草、以及能带给艾庇米修斯和潘朵拉无比乐趣的五颜六色的花朵,全都被酷热的夏日晒得枯黄;也被冬天的霜雪所侵蚀。 喔!当这些邪恶的劳苦种子被放出来时,对这世界而言,是多么悲惨的事啊!
当潘朵拉紧张地关上盖子时,劳苦的种子全部从盒子里飞了出来,只有一只叫做「希望」的善良生物被关在里面。 「希望」说服潘朵拉放她出去。 她一获得自由就马上飞往全世界,消除劳苦种子所制造的一切坏事;也就是说,善良的生物能够很快地除去那样庞大的邪恶之事。 不论如何,在不祥之事降临在可怜的人类身上时,她总是会找出安慰他们的方法。 她用自己薄薄的翅膀为疼痛的头搧风,使苍白的脸颊恢复红润,而最好的是:她在渐渐衰老的人们的耳边悄悄地说:「你们迟早会年轻起来的啊!」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
