

After Jason had been in Iolcus for about five days, he gathered his kinsmen together, and went b
efore the usurper, Pelias, and the people to present his claim to the throne. Since he and Pelias were kinsmen, he did not think it right that there should be fighting and bloodshed between them. So he consented to giv
e up to Pelias much of the land and many of the flocks and herds which were his by right, but said that he must have the throne and scepter.

Pelias showed no anger at this demand of Jason's, but he quickly devised a pla
n for sending the hero away again. He said that a few nights before Jason's arrival a very strange dream had come to him in his sleep. In this dream a voice had commanded him to go to Colchis, and bring back the golden
fleece of the ram which had carried Phrixus across the sea to Colchis.

The story of Phrixus was well known to Jason and to all the people of Iolcus. Many years before this, two little children of the
race of AEolus, Phrixus and Helle, who were persecuted by their step-mother, fled away from Iolcus by the help of a ram with a golden fleece. The ram had taken the two children on its back, and had swum away across the sea to the kingdo
m of Colchis. On the way, at a place where the water was very rough, Helle had fallen off and been drowned; but Phrixus had clung tightly to the ram's fleece, and arrived safe at Colchis.
杰逊在爱俄克斯大约待了五天之后,就集合族人们,来到篡位者派里鄂斯和人民的面前,要求他把王位让出来。 他认为他和派里鄂斯既然是同族者,他们之间就不应该有战斗和流血的事件。 因此,他愿意将当然是自己财产中的广大土地与众多羊群及牛群分给派里鄂斯,不过他表明自己一定要拥有王位和权力。
派里鄂斯对杰逊的这项要求并没有表示生气,却忙着盘算如何把这个英雄再度驱逐出境。 他说,在杰逊出现数日前的夜里,他作了一个奇怪的梦。 在梦中有一个声音命令他去可吉斯,把带领佛里克塞斯渡海到可吉斯的金羊毛取回来。
佛里克塞斯的身世是杰逊以及全部的可吉斯人都相当了解的。 早些时候,伊奥拉斯家族的两个小孩,即是被继母迫害的佛里克塞斯与赫里,因靠一身金羊毛的牡羊的帮助逃出了爱俄克斯。 那只牡羊让两个小孩骑在它的背上,游泳横渡大海前往可吉斯王国。 在途中由于波涛汹涌,赫里不幸落水溺死,幸好佛里克塞斯紧紧抓住牡羊的毛,才安然抵达可吉斯。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
