

She climbed mountains and crossed rivers, asking everyone she met for tidings of Proserpine, but neit
her man nor god would tell her where Pluto had carried her daughter, for everyone feared Pluto's anger.

A long, dark cloak hid Ceres's face and the brightness of her hair. No one who saw her then would
have known that she was the glowing Goddess of the Harvest. For many days she wandered over the earth, refusing in her sorrow to taste either ambrosia or nectar.

At last she came to the banks of the R
iver Cyane, but the river nymph, also afraid of Pluto's wrath, dared not tell Ceres where the missing Proserpine was hidden. But it happened that as Pluto's horses had dashed down into the earth, Proserpine's girdle, loosened by her str
uggle to free herself, fell from the chariot and lay on the river bank. The river nymph now took this girdle and floated it to where Ceres stood mourning at the water's edge.

Ceres saw it, and now her
grief was more terrible than ever. She knew now that her daughter was gone, but still did not know that Pluto had taken her. In her sorrow, Ceres took away her blessing from the earth and cast an evil spell on the frui
ts and crops.
赛丽丝用一件黑色的长披衫,遮掩她的脸与头发上的光辉。 凡是看到她的,没有人会知道她就是亮丽灿烂的收获女神。 好些天来,她徘徊在世间各处,伤心得食不下咽!
最后,她来到山尼河的河岸,河之女神也怕触怒普鲁特,而不敢将失踪的布拉瑟蓓恩藏身之处告诉赛丽丝。 但是,很巧地,当普鲁特的马冲入地下时,布拉瑟蓓恩挣扎的想逃脱,而把腰带弄松了,并从车中掉下来遗留在河岸上。 河之女神拿着这条腰带,将它飘送到站在水边悲伤的塞丽丝旁。
赛丽丝见了腰带,比以前更伤心。 现在她知道已经完全失去女儿了。但她还不知道是普鲁特把她带走。 赛丽丝在悲愤之余,取消她对世间的惠赐,并且把恶咒加在果实与农作物上。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
