

Everything was as luxurious as possible. These chance travellers were treated lik
e guests of honour. They were invited to seat themselves on the embroidered chairs, and were served with wine by four pretty maids. The wine had a most remarkable flavour, but the men were sure that this was nothing
to what was coming, for now and then delightful whiffs reached them from the kitchen, where they had no doubt an appetizing repast was being prepared. All these things were exactly what they liked. Nothing could have
suited them better. They were not sorry now that the lot had fallen to them, and as they drank their wine, they began to nudge one another and to laugh with pleasure at the thought of what Ulysses and the rest of the crew had lost.

Then, all at once, the gracious smiles of the beautiful lady with the golden hair changed to angry frowns, and she struck each of the men sharply with a long wand that she carried in her hand. The men tr
ied to speak, but could only squeal, and in a moment more each of them saw his twenty-one companions changed to so many frightened swine with bright little eyes, white bristles, and curly tails. They all jumped down from their embroide
red chairs, and began to run wildly about the room, squealing with all their might, and upsetting the furniture in their efforts to escape.
所有的东西都极尽奢华。 招待这些偶然路过的人如同佳宾一般。 他们被安排坐在铺有刺绣的椅子上,由四个漂亮的女仆送上葡萄酒。 并且是那种具有烹调特别风味的葡萄酒,可是士兵们,确信这类东西和目前做出来的食物比较起来根本不算什么。因为偶而扑鼻的悦人香味由厨房飘送到他们这边,因此他们深信,厨房正在烹调令人垂涎不已的食物。 这种东西正是他们所喜爱的。 没有其它的比这个更合他们的口味。 他们已经不再为抽中签而悲伤了,而一边喝葡萄酒;一边彼此用手肘轻触对方,快乐地嘲笑尤里西斯及其余船员错过大好的机会。
然后,突然之间,美丽的金发女士亲切的微笑转变成不悦的脸色,同时用她手上握着的魔杖朝士兵们的身上,一个一个地敲下去。 士兵们想要说话,但是只能吱吱地尖叫,转瞬间,他们看见自己的二十一个同伴都变成一只有着发亮小眼睛、白色鬃毛、卷曲尾巴而惊惶失措的猪。 他们由刺绣的椅子上跳下来,开始疯狂地在房屋四窜,使尽全力吱吱地叫,尽全力逃跑,因而把家俱都弄翻了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
