


A very long time ago, in the Golden
Age, every one was good and happy. It was always spring; the earth was covered with flowers, and only gentle winds blew to set the flowers dancing.

No one had any work to do. People liv
ed on mountain strawberries, which were always to be had for the gathering, and on wild grapes, blackberries, and sweet acorns, which grew plentifully in the oak forests. Rivers flowed with milk and nectar. Even the bees
did not need to lay up honey, for it fell in tiny drops from the trees. There was abundance everywhere.

In all the whole world, there was not a sword, nor any weapon by means of which men might fight wi
th one another. No one had ever heard of any such thing. All the iron and the gold were buried deep underground.

Besides, people were never ill; they had no troubles of any kind; and nev
er grew old.

The two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, lived in those wonderful days. After stealing the fire for man, Prometheus, knowing that Jupiter would be angry, decided to go away for a time on
a distant journey; but before he went, he warned Epimetheus not to receive any gifts from the gods.
在很久以前的黄金时代里,每个人都很善良,而快乐的生活着。 时序永远是春天,大地上开满了花朵,仅有微风吹拂使得花儿婆娑起舞。
每个人都不用工作。 人们只要采撷就可以得到山草莓、野葡萄与黑草莓;以及橡树林里滋长丰盛的甜果实过活。 河里盛满乳汁和甘露。 蜜蜂也不需要贮藏花蜜,因为蜜是从树上涓涓滴下来的。 总之,所到之处是一片富裕的景象。
整个世界上没有任何刀器,更没有人利用它来制造成互相决斗的武器。 谁也不曾听过争斗的事情。 铁矿、金矿全都埋藏在很深很深的地底下。
普罗米修斯和艾庇米修斯两兄弟就是生长在这般美好的时代。 在为人类盗取火花之后,普罗米修斯明白会触怒朱比特,因此便决定到非常遥远的地方旅行。不过,在他出发之前则警告了艾庇米修斯不要接受众神馈赠的任何礼物。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
