


One day Cupid, the little god of l
ove, sat on the bank of a river, playing with his arrows. The arrows were very tiny. Some had points of gold, and others had points of lead. None of them looked as if they could do much harm.

That day Apollo, the great sun-god, walked along the bank of the same river, when returning from his fight with the serpent of darkness, called the Python, he had just used a great number of his wonderful golden arrows in killi
ng this giganticserpent. Feeling very proud of his victory over the Python, he said, when he saw Cupid at his play, "Ho! What are such little arrows as these good for?" Cupid's feelings were very much hurt at this. He said nothing, but he took his little arrows and flew to the top of Mount Parnassus.

There he sat down on the grass and took a leaden-pointed arrow from his quiver. Looking all about hi
m for some mark for his arrow, he saw Daphne walking through a grove. Daphne was the daughter of Peneus, the river-god. She was so beautiful that the sleeping flowers lifted their heads and burst into full bloom at her
coming. Cupid shot the leaden-pointed arrow straight at Daphne's heart.
某一天,小爱神丘比特坐在河堤上玩弄他的弓箭。 箭极细小。 箭头有金制的,也有铅造的。 然而没有一支箭看起来像会造成很大的伤害。
那天,伟大的太阳神阿波罗正从和名叫「锦蛇」的黑蛇决斗的地方,沿着一条河的堤岸归来。他刚才使用许多不错的金箭来射杀蛇, 且对自己打败锦蛇感到相当自豪,因此看到正在玩箭的丘比特就说:「哼!那么小的箭有何用呢?」 丘比特听到这句话心里很难过。 他什么也没说,就拿着自己的箭飞往巴尔纳苏山。
到了那里,他坐在草地上,从箭筒里抽出一支铅头的箭来。 当他为了寻找射箭的目标正环视周遭时,发现了戴芙妮经过小树林。 戴芙妮是河神庇尼斯的女儿。 她长得太美丽了,以致于她一走过来,沉睡中的花儿都抬起头顿时绽放开来。 丘比特举起那支铅头的箭,对准戴芙妮的心射过去。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
