

King Midas gladly obeyed, and became as free from the Golden Touch as when he was a boy watching
the ants. But the strange magic was imparted to the waters of the spring, and to this day the river Pactolus has golden sands.


After his strange experience wit
h the Golden Touch, King Midas did not care for the things in his treasure chests any more, but left them to the dust and the spiders, and went out into the fields, and followed Pan.

Pan was the god of the flocks, the f
riend of shepherds and country folk. He lived in a cave, which was in a mountain not far from the palace of Midas. He was sometimes seen, playing on his pipe, or dancing with the forest nymphs. He had
horns and legs like a goat, and furry, pointed ears.

Pan was a sunny, careless, happy-go-lucky kind of god, and when he sat playing on his pipe��which he himself had made��the music came bubbling forth in such a jolly
way that it set the nymphs to dancing, and the birds to singing.

When King Midas heard Pan's pipe, he used to forget that he was a king, or that he had any cares whatever.
牧羊神是羊群的神,也是牧羊人与乡下人的朋友。 他住在洞穴里,而那个洞穴就在离麦得斯王的宫殿不远的山中。 他总会在吹笛子的地方、及森林女神们跳舞的地方出现。 他有山羊那般的角和脚,以及毛茸茸的尖耳朵。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
