


There once lived a race of huge giants
called Titans. These giants were fierce, turbulent, and lawless�� always fighting among themselves and against Jupiter, the king of the gods.

One of the Titans, whose name was Prometheus, was wiser than the
rest. He often thought about what would be likely to happen in the future.

One day, Prometheus said to his brother Titans: "What is the use of wasting so much strength? In the end, wisdom
and forethought will win. If we are going to fight against the gods, let us choose a leader and stop quarrelling among ourselves."

The Titans answered him by a shower of great rocks and upr
ooted trees.

Prometheus, after escaping unhurt, said to his younger brother; "Come, Epimetheus, we can do nothing among these Titans. If they keep on, they will tear the earth to pieces. Let us
go and help Jupiter to overcome them."

Epimetheus agreed to this, and the two brothers went over to Jupiter, who called the gods together and began a terrible battle.

曾经有一个叫泰坦的巨人部族。 那些巨人们非常凶猛、爱闹事、而且很残暴──经常和自己的同伴,乃至众神之王朱比特争斗。
泰坦族中有个名叫普罗米修斯的巨人,他比其它的巨人有智能多了。 他常常担心将来可能会有什么事发生。
有一天,普罗米修斯对自己的巨人兄弟们说:「如此浪费力气有什么用呢? 最后还是有智能且深谋远虑者得胜呀! 若想和众神决斗,为什么不选出首领来阻止我们之间的争吵呢?」 泰坦族以繁如下雨般的大石头和连根拔起的树木来回答他。
普 罗米修斯避开石头和木块的伤害后,告诉弟弟说:「啊!艾庇米修斯,我们在泰坦族里什么事也没有办法做!
如果他们再继续下去,将会把这地球撕裂得支离破碎。 我去找朱比特来援救并征服他们,好吗?」 艾庇米修斯赞成他的意见,于是兄弟俩前往朱比特住的地方。接着,朱比特就召集众神发动一场激烈的战争。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
