

When the last armed warrior of the dragon's brood had fallen, the Argonauts set up a loud cheer for t
heir leader, and brought wreaths and crowned him, as they were accustomed to do when a hero won in the games.

King AEetes could not now deny to Jason the right to take the Golden Fleece; but he secretly hoped that Jason
would not be able to conquer the dragon that guarded it. Yesterday he would not have believed it possible that any one could conquer that dragon; but now it was with some misgiving that he showed the way to the Grove of Mars, where the
Golden Fleece hung.

The Grove of Mars stood in a valley or garden, called the Garden of Mars, which could be entered only through a narrow ravine between two high rocks. A rapid stream ran between the
rocks, and sometimes the Dragon of the Fleece lay in this stream to guard the way. Sometimes, too, the dragon used to coil itself around the oak where the fleece hung. It was always somewhere in the valley, and was su
re to be wakeful and watching.

Before Jason could reach the Garden of Mars, the day was spent, and the moon had risen and was flooding everything with her silvery light. Jason was glad to see that the
night would not be a dark one.
易特士王这次再也不能拒绝杰逊去取金羊毛,可是暗地里期望杰逊无法征服捍卫金羊毛的龙。 昨天他还不相信有谁可以降伏那只龙,不过今天却有点担忧了,他说明了前往悬挂金羊毛的「马斯之林」的路线。
马斯之林位于一个叫做马斯园的山谷或庭园中,而且只能从两块高耸岩石之间的狭隘峡谷通过。 急流从那些岩石之间流下来,有时看守那羊毛的龙便置身在河道中守卫着; 有时那只龙盘旋在挂羊毛的大橡园周围。 龙无时不刻的置身在河谷的任何地方,且一定睁开眼睛监视着。
杰逊即将抵达马斯园时,太阳已西沉了!月亮高挂天际,将那银色的光泼洒在万物之上。 杰逊很高兴地发现虽在晚上并不是漆黑不明的。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
