


There was once in peaceful Arcady,
in Greece a fair and gentle nymph named Callisto. The gods had given her many graces and blessings, the greatest of which was her little son, Arcas.

Jupiter, chief of the gods, was so pleased with Cal
listo's goodness and charm that he came often to visit her and watch her at play with Arcas.

These visits filled the jealous Juno, wife of Jupiter, with anger, and she planned a cruel punishment for Callisto. Wrapping herself in her long gray cloak, the goddess descended from Mount Olympus, passing through the dusky cloud gates down to the earth. She found Callisto just awakening in her forest bower. Her rosy little s
on, Arcas, lay asleep beside her.

Juno made herself invisible and waited until Callisto rose and came out of her retreat. Then, touching the nymph on her shoulder, Juno changed her into a great furry b
ear. Poor Callisto saw her slender white fingers change into long claws and her arms grow black and hairy. She fell to the earth and began to walk on all fours. Then Juno returned to Mount Olympus.
从前,在希腊平静的阿喀地,有一位美丽温柔的山泽女神名叫克莉丝朵。 诸神给她很多恩惠与赏赐,在那些恩赐当中,最为厚重的就是她的小儿子阿克斯。
朱比特对克莉丝朵的探访,使他那生性喜嫉妒的妻子朱诺满怀怨恨。他对克利莉丝朵计划了个残酷的惩罚。 她计划了了她那灰色的长袍,从奥林匹斯山下来,经过黯色云朵的大门,来到尘世。 她发现克莉丝朵在她的小屋中刚刚醒来。 她那生得红润的小儿子阿克斯则躺在她的身边熟睡着。
朱诺隐身不见,直等到克莉丝朵起床,走出她所居住的房子。 然后,朱诺碰触这山泽女神的肩膀,把她变成了一只毛茸茸的大熊。 可怜的克莉丝朵,见到自己修长洁白的手指变成了长爪子;手臂变成黑色,而且长满了毛。 甚至她必须在地上开始爬着走。 等计谋完成,朱诺回奥林匹斯山去了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
