


The gods were very fond of transform
ing, or changing, the shape of things. They loved to come down to earth, disguised in different ways, and walk around and listen to everything that went on.

When a human being offended them, they chang
ed him into something unpleasant. But often when the gods saw a man in danger, they helped him to escape by changing him into a tree or an animal. The punishments of the gods were severe. Sometimes, for even a little t
hing such as breaking the branches of a tree, they would imprison a mortal forever.


Dryope was a beautiful Greek woman whom the gods punished harshly. One day Dryope and her sister went walking to gather flowers along the river. Dryope carried her baby boy in her arms, and beside them ran Iola, her sister, gatheringmyrtle and violets, never guessing what would happen before they return

Soon Dryope grew tired carrying her baby, and sat down to rest on a grassy bank beside the water.
希腊诸神最爱变身化形了。 他们喜欢乔装成各种不同的模样来到人间,四处走动聆听进行中的每一件事。
只要有人冒犯他们,他们便将他变成某种令人厌恶的东西。 每当诸神见到一个人置身于危险之中,他们也会把他变成一颗树,或者一只动物,用来帮助他脱险。 诸神的惩罚也是极其严苛的,有时候,即使像折断一根树枝那样的芝麻小事,他们也会将一个人终身禁锢。 德瑞欧琵
德瑞欧琵是一个被诸神严酷惩罚的希腊美女。 有一天,她与妹妹沿着河边散步,采撷花朵。 德瑞欧琵抱着她的幼儿,而她的妹妹爱欧丽则走在她身旁,她们采着桃金娘与紫罗兰,丝毫没有想到在回来之前会发生甚么事。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
