


One day King Picus w
as in the forest near his palace, hunting wild boars. He was mounted on a very spirited black horse, and surrounded by his guards. Even when hunting he wore his crown and a purple robe, fastened with a gold buckle, for this
king was rather fond of wearing fine clothes.

The forest was a beautiful place. It was full of great oaks, which grew so thick together that the sun could scarcely shine through their branches. The king was fond of riding, and liked to hunt in this forest; but he would have been wiser if he had taken his recreation somewhere else; for he had a dangerous neighbour that often frequented this place.

This was
Circe, the famous enchantress. Very dreadful stories were told of her. She lived in a marble palace not so very far from the palace of King Picus, and she and the maids or nymphs who attended her spent a great deal
of their time roaming in the royal forest, searching for the poisonous plants which they used in their enchantments.

他骑着强健的黑马,身边有护卫围绕。 即使在狩猎,他还是头戴王冠,身穿缝有金扣子的紫衫袍。那是由于这个国王特别喜爱穿著漂亮的衣服。
那座森林是一个很美丽的地方。 长满了高大的橡树,青翠蓊郁,以致于阳光几乎无法透过树枝照射下来。 国王非常喜欢骑马,更喜欢在这个森林打猎。不过,如果他到其它的地方休息,那才是明智之举呢!因为有个危险的邻居经常会在这里出没。
这是一个很有名的女巫婆奇儿丝。 在各种极其恐怖的传说中都提到。 她住在离派克斯王王宫不远的大理石宫殿里,她和伺候她的仙女们,大部分的时间均徘徊在国王的森林中,找寻魔法所需要的有毒植物。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
