

She forgot to eat and grew thinner and thinner.

At last the g
ods grew sorry for her and changed her into a great golden sunflower. Her seeds spread over the earth and grew. Wherever the sun shown, they raised their yellow heads to its light and turned, now east, now west, foreve
r following the course of Apollo's chariot as it passed across the sky.


Sometimes the gods made transformations just to amuse themselves�wneither for pun
ishment nor for the protection of mortals, but just for a little joke.

Narcissus was a youth who was so lovely that he was almost like a girl in his appearance. Like Clytie, he fell in love and pined w
ithout eating, day after day.

It was not a beautiful sea nymph whom Narcissus loved, nor a wood nymph, nor a mountain nymph, nor even a Greek maiden.

He fell in love with a face he saw
in the water. He thought it was the face of a beautiful water sprite. He stayed at the bank, pleading with the lovely being, begging it to come out of the water and speak to him. Of course, it was on
ly his own face that he saw reflected in the water, but Narcissus did not know it, because he had never seen his face in a mirror.
最后,群神渐渐怜悯她,将她变成了一大朵金黄色的向日葵, 她的种子在整个世间散播、生长。 所有太阳普照的地方,它们都抬起金黄色的头向着日光,永远随着太阳旋转忽东忽西,当阿波罗的日车横跨天空的时候,永远跟随着它的方向转动。
纳西塞斯是一个外貌酷似女孩的美少年, 像柯莱蒂一样地堕入爱河,茶饭不思,一天一天地消瘦了。

他爱上了水中的一张脸, 他认为那是一张美丽水精灵的脸。 他待在岸边向这美丽的影儿倾诉衷曲,求它走出水面来跟他说话。 然而,那只是他自己的脸,他所看到的不过是反映在水中的倒影罢了!可是纳西塞斯认不出来,因为他从不曾照过镜子,看过自己的容貌。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
