

As long as the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd was with Arcas, Callisto hid herself. But one day the
youth came alone, holding his spear in his hand and feeling very brave and proud.

Callisto stood on her hind legs and came toward him, holding out her great paws, trying to speak and tell him that she was his mother, en
chanted into this wild beast. Arcas saw her coming and raised his spear to kill the bear, but something held his arm and the spear was not thrown.

Jupiter, watching over Arcas on his first hunt, had se
en beneath the bear's fur and hairy paws, and knew that this was the nymph Callisto.

He stayed the hand of Arcas, and took away his spear. He could not undo Juno's evil work, so he changed Arcas into a
young bear. At once he understood his mother and knew what she had been trying to tell him.

Callisto and Arcas would have been happy to roam the woods together, but Jupiter thought of something better
for them. He took them up into the heavenly realms and gave them the sky for their playground, and you can see them there on clear nights, the Great Bear and the Little Bear.
只要牧羊人与阿克斯在一起,克莉丝朵都会躲藏起来。 但是,有一天,这年轻的孩子独自走来,手里握着他的矛,勇气过人、意气风发。
克莉丝朵用后腿站起来并走近他,向他伸出它的巨爪,想要跟他说话,并且想要告诉阿克斯自己就是他的母亲,是因为中了妖术才变成一只这样的野兽。 阿克斯见它走来,举起他的矛要刺死它,但似乎有什么东西抓住了他的手,因此使矛没有掷出去。
他拉住阿克斯的手,夺走他的矛。 但却不能解除朱诺的法术,使克莉丝朵恢复本来面目!因此,他使阿克斯变成了一只小熊。 很快地,小熊阿克斯认出了它的母亲,而且明白它母亲曾经要对它说的话。
克莉丝朵与阿克斯相偕在森林中漫游,本来也会过着幸福快乐的日子;但朱比特为它们想到了更好的安排。 他带着它们到天国去,以天空作为它们游乐的地方,在月光皎洁的夜晚,便可以观赏到它们,它们就是大熊星与小熊星。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
