

Although it did her no other harm, this little blunt arrow made Daphne feel afraid, and without knowi
ng what she was running away from, she began to run.

Then Cupid, who was very naughty, took a golden-pointed arrow from his quiver, and with this wounded Apollo. The golden-pointed arrow had the power
to make Apollo love the first thing he saw. This chanced to be Daphne, the river-nymph, who came running by just then with her golden hair floating out behind her.

Apollo called to Daphne that there wa
s nothing to fear; then, as she would not stop running, he ran after her. The faster Apollo followed the faster Daphne ran, and she grew more and more afraid all the time, for the little leaden-pointed arrow was sticking in her heart.

She ran till she came to the bank of her father's river, and by this time she was so tired that she could run no farther. She called on her father for help. The river-god heard, and befo
re Apollo could overtake her, changed her into a tree, a beautiful tree with glossyevergreen leaves and blossoms as pink as Daphne's own cheeks.

When Apollo came up with Daphne, there she stood on the bank of the river
, not a nymph any longer, but a beautiful tree. Apollo was broken-hearted, at first, to see how he had lost Daphne.
然后,淘气的丘比特又由箭筒中抽出一支金头的箭,并且射向阿波罗。 那支金头的箭具有使阿波罗爱上他看到的第一件东西的力量。 恰巧就在那时候,金发飞扬的河女神戴芙妮向他跑过来。

阿波罗对她说:「没有什么好害怕的呀!」然而因她无法使自己的脚步停下来,于是他开始追赶她。 但因为那支铅头的箭射在她的心中,所以阿波罗追得愈紧,戴芙妮就跑得越快,而且总让她愈加感到惶恐不安!
她不停地奔跑,终于来到她父亲的河边,就在这时候,她因太累而无法再跑下去了。 她向父亲求救。 当河神听到,而且在阿波罗快要追到她的时候,她就变成一棵长着鲜润常绿的树叶以及仿佛就像戴芙妮两颊粉红色的花朵般美丽的树木。
阿波罗追到河岸上戴芙妮所站的位置时,她已不再是河女神,而是一棵美丽的树木。 阿波罗终于心碎地明白他已经失去了戴芙妮。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
