


Pluto was God of Erebus, the world
that lies beneath the ground. In his realm all was dark, misty, and gloomy. There was no sunshine there, nor any light except the glow of fires. Instead of blue sky overhead, he had only a roof of da
mp and dripping earth. There were no gay flowers in his kingdom, nor tall branching trees, nor green grass.

In some places the dripping water mingled with rust-colored lime from the earth, and hardened
into all sorts of shapes. It made columns and arches and mounds, or hung like icicles in long, thin pendants from the roofs of Pluto's many caverns. There were black marble rocks in Erebus, and deep, dark lakes.

It would have been a dreary place for an earth child, but Pluto thought his kingdom the most beautiful in the world.

He thought his caves hung with lime crystals far lovelier than forests of
birch trees. He liked the noiseless peace of the dim caverns. No songs of birds, no rustle of wind among the trees, disturbed their quiet. Only at times he heard far off the barking of Cerberus, the t
hree-headed dog that guarded the entrance to his kingdom.
普鲁特主宰着爱拉保斯的地下世界。 在他的王国里,到处都是漆黑、模糊与阴森的气象。 那里没有阳光,除了火光之外,没有丝毫的光亮。 上面也没有蔚蓝的天空,只有一个潮湿且滴着水的洞顶。 在这个国度里,没有鲜美的花朵;没有长满枝叶的大树;也没有翠绿的草。
有些地方,滴下来的水渗入了泥土中黄里透红的石灰,凝固成各式各样的形状。 形成了柱子、圆顶与小丘。或者像长长的悬在屋檐上的冰柱;又像薄薄吊着的装饰品,垂挂在普鲁特王国很多洞室的顶上。 而且在这地狱里,还有黑色的大理石与深邃的黑湖。
他相信,洞里挂着晶莹剔透的石灰水晶,远比地面的桦树林好看得多。 他喜爱这洞府中的寂静; 既没有吱喳的鸟鸣;也没有树林飒飒的风声来打扰他们的安宁。 他只能间接听到,远处传来那只把守在地府门口的「三头狗」──圣保路斯的吠声。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
