

Then he went with her to the sties, and she sprinkled the twenty-two crowding, squealing swine
with the juice of a certain plant, and there stood the companions of Ulysses, looking very much as they had done before they entered the palaceof Circe.

They were beside themselves with happiness at being able to stand
before the world like men again. Their strange experience made them see to what their selfish ways had been leading them, and from that day, when anything occurred which compelled them to choose between their own ease or pleasure and
the good of others, they chose more wisely than they had ever done before.

The little purplewoodpecker soon came fluttering around the head of Ulysses, who caused Circe to sprinkle the bird with the juice of the magic
plant. Then once more the handsome King Picus, in his purple robes, stood before them. After this, the former guards of King Picus were restored to their human shape, with such other of the beasts about Circe's pala
ce as deserved that kindness. But some of the cruel tigers and wolves were left as they were, to snarl and howl in the shape which best befitted their savage natures.
他们一想到能再回复到人的模样且站在世人的面前,因而欣喜若狂。 这次的奇妙经验使他们觉悟到:他们自私的行为导致如此的后果。所以从那一天开始,一旦发生要他们在自身的安乐或满足,以及他人的福利之间做选择的时候,他们会比从前更聪明地抉择。
那只紫色小啄木鸟飞过来,在尤里西斯的头上飞来飞去,尤里西斯叫奇儿丝把魔法植物的汁液撒在那只小鸟上。 接着美男子派克斯王又再度身穿紫衫袍,出现在他们的面前。 然后,派克斯王以前的护卫与奇儿丝宫殿附近的野兽中,理应也接受如此仁慈的对待,一起被变回原形。 可是,残忍的老虎及野狼中的几只则被置之不理,他们用和自己凶残性情最相称的外形咆哮着。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
