


Orpheus, the son of Apollo, was
a wonderful musician. He had a lyre of his own, and learned to play on it, when he was very young. This lyre was not quite so fine a one, perhaps, as Apollo's famous golden lyre, but it could produce marvellous music.

Orpheus often went to a lonely place, outside the village, where he would sit on the rocks and play all day long. Then the spiders stopped their spinning, the ants left off running to and fro, and the be
es forgot to gather honey; for none of them had ever heard such sweet music before. The little birds who had their nests in the grass did not know what new singer had come among them. They gathered around Orpheus to li
sten, some hopping around on the rocks, and others swinging on tall weeds, and trying to catch the tune.

One day a cobra, gliding by slyly under the grass-heads, in the hope of finding eggs or young birds in some ground
-nest, heard the music, and stopped to listen. He coiled himself up, raised his head, and swayed back and forth, in time to the music. The birds had nothing to fear from him while such music was filling the air. But they knew him well, as he lived close by under a rock.
阿波罗的儿子奥普斯是个了不起的音乐家。 当他的年纪还很小的时候,就拥有自己的竖琴,并且学习弹奏。 这把竖琴虽然没有阿波罗的金竖琴那般精巧,不过,却能弹出神奇的乐曲来。
奥普斯经常到村外清静的地方,整天坐在岩石上弹奏。 因此使得蜘蛛停止纺织;蚂蚁不再跑来跑去;蜜蜂也忘了采蜜,因为它们未曾听过如此甜美的音乐。 筑巢在草中的小鸟们不知道来到他们之间的新歌手是谁? 它们围绕在奥普斯的四周聆听他的演奏,有的在岩石上东蹦西跳;有的停在丈把高的芦苇上,摇来摆去的记住那首歌曲。
有一天,有一条毒蛇想要从地面上的鸟巢寻觅鸟蛋或雏鸟,当它狡猾地爬过草丛下面时,一听见这音乐,就停了下来。 于是它把身体盘绕成一团,并且抬起头,和着音乐节奏一前一后地摆动。 每当那样的旋律回荡在空气中时,小鸟们一点也不怕它了。 由于它就住在附近的岩石下面,所以它们也认识它。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
