

Hercules was sent to the western edge of the world, to the Garden of the Hesperides, to find the
golden apples that were guarded by several nymphs and by a great, never-sleeping dragon that coiled itself among the trees of the garden.

Hercules did not know where this sacred garden was. But he set
out toward the west, and in his wanderings came to a mountain. On one of its highest peaks, Hercules saw Prometheus bound to a rock. Prometheus had stolen fire from Mount Olympus. This had made Jupit
er angry, and he had ordered his punishment.

Hercules urged his father to give him permission to break the chains that held Prometheus, and set him free. Jupiter agreed, and Prometheus, after his long
punishment, was unbound.

Out of gratitude, Prometheus told Hercules how to find the garden of the golden apples.

"You will find it," Prometheus said, "at the place where my brother Atl
as stands, holding the weight of the heavens on his shoulders."

Hercules started out once more and, at last, he found Atlas.

Atlas was so eager to be released from the burden of the sk
y and the stars, that he promised to do anything Hercules wished if only he might once more be free.
海克力斯不清楚这禁园的正确位置。 但是,他还是朝着西边出发,漫无目的地来到一座山上。 在这山里的一个最高峰,海克力斯看见普罗米修斯被捆在一块岩石上面。 普罗米修斯曾经从奥林匹斯山盗取火种。 以致惹恼了朱比特,因而被下令惩罚。
海克力斯劝父亲允许他弄断铁链,释放普罗米修斯。 朱比特答应了他,于是普罗米修斯在长期的惩罚之后,终于获得解救。

普罗米修斯说道:「在我的兄弟亚特劳斯扛着天站立的地方,你就会发现这苹果园。」 海克力斯再度动身前往,最后他找到了亚特劳斯。


文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
