

The leaves of the trees lost their green and began to fall in clouds of yellow. The blue sky grew angry and gray, and a cold wind swept over the earth. The nymphs shivered and wrapped their thin robes around them.

Everything became dry and withered, and famine and sickness and gri
ef were over the whole earth.

Then the fountain, Arethusa, spoke to Ceres and told her where Proserpine was. "I come from far down in the earth," sang the fountain. "My waters have tr
ickled through the realms of Pluto. I have seen your daughter. I have seen Proserpine, the beautiful, the bright, sitting on a black marblethrone, queen of the spirits that wandersilently between the crystal pillars
and the flickering fires, and float over the lakes from which my waters rise. "

When Ceres heard this, she raised her arms to Jupiter and begged him to return Proserpine to the earth.

"Never again," she cried, "will I make the corn grow or the ripening grain bend in golden waves. Unless my daughter is restored to me. Never again will I watch over the harvest. The
fruits of the earth shall remain withered, and man will die from hunger."

Jupiter knew that Ceres would do as she threatened, so he sent Mercury, the speedymessenger, to fly swiftly to Pluto, and bid him release Proser
树叶的绿色尽褪,开始转变为一片枯黄。 蓝天渐渐地沉郁阴暗下来,一阵冷风刮过大地。 女神们打着哆嗦把自己裹在薄薄的衣袍里。
后来,泉水女神爱丽修瑟告诉她布拉瑟蓓恩的所在。 泉水淙淙的说道:「我来自大地深处。 我的水流经普鲁特的国土。 而见到了你的女儿。 见到了美丽耀眼的布拉瑟蓓恩,正坐在黑色大理石的宝座上。她现在正静静漫游在水晶柱与闪烁的火之间,成为飘游于湖面上的精灵之后,我的水就是从湖那儿涌上来的。」 赛丽丝听了她的话,便举起双臂,请求朱比特把布拉瑟蓓恩送回地面。
她大声嚷道:「我永不再使谷物生长,或者使成熟的稻麦结满金黄色的穗粒。 除非把我的女儿送回来。 否则,我永不再照顾收成。 世界的谷物将继续枯萎下去,人们都将饿死!」。 朱比特明白,赛丽丝说得出就做得到,于是,他快速的派遣使者麦丘利急忙飞到普鲁特那儿去,请他释放布拉瑟蓓恩。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
