

After the last sound of human footsteps had died away, Psyche sat weeping and trembling, fearing
every moment that she might hear the rushing wings of some dragon, and feel his claws and teeth. Instead, she felt the cool breath and the downy wings of Zephyrus, the west wind, who lifted her gently from the rock, then puffed out his
cheeks, and blew her down into a beautiful green valley, where he laid her softly on a bank of violets.

This moonlitvalley was so sweet and peaceful that Psyche forgot her fears and fell asleep. When
she woke in the morning, she saw a beautiful grove of tall trees, and in the grove a most wonderful palace with a fountain in front of it. The great arches of the roof were supported by golden columns, and the walls were covered with s
ilver carving, while the floor was a mosaic of precious stones of all colours.

Psyche timidly entered the doors, and wandered through the great rooms, each of which seemed more splendid than the last.
She could see no one, but once or twice thought she heard low voices, as if the fairies were talking together. It might have been voices, or it might have been the trickling of water in the fountain.

resently, she opened the door of a room, where a table was laid ready for a feast.
在脚步声完全消失之后,莎姬坐在那里不断的颤抖哭泣,一直害怕听到有龙振翅的声音,或是触摸到龙的爪和牙齿。 但相反地,她感觉到西风之神凄凉的呼啸及细柔的羽翼,他并且把她从岩石上轻轻地抱起来,然后鼓起他的脸颊,把她吹落在一个优美的翠谷中,让她在那里安静地睡在一堆紫罗兰上。
这个月光下的山谷非常迷人宁静,莎姬因此忘记恐惧而睡着了。 清晨睁开眼睛,她看见长着高大树木的森林,林中矗立一座有喷泉的豪华宫殿。 巨大拱形的屋顶是由金色圆柱支撑着,墙壁上布满银色的雕刻,连地板也镶嵌五彩缤纷的宝石。
莎姬胆怯地走进去,走过一间又一间的大房间,那些房间一间比一间更富丽堂皇。 她看不到半个人影。可是有一两次她仿佛听到宛如小仙女聚在一起谈话般的轻声细语。 那或许是人声,也有可能是泉水淙淙流出的声音。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
