

When their king said this, none of the gods dared to say a word in defence of mankind. But Prometheus, the Titan, who was earth-born himself, and loved these men of the earth, begged Jupiter so earnestly to spare them, that Jupiter consented to do so.

At this time, men lived in dark, gloomy caves. Their friend, Prometheus, taught them to build simple houses, which were much more comfortable than the caves had been. This was a great step forward, but men needed more help yet from the Titan. The beasts i
n the forests and the great birds that built their nests on the rocks were strong; but men were weak. The lion had sharp claws and teeth; the eagle had wings; the turtle had a hard shell; but man, although he stood upright with his face
toward the stars, had no weapon with which he could defend himself.

Prometheus said that man should have Jupiter's wonderful flower of fire, which shone so brightly in the sky. So he took a hollow reed,
went up to Olympus, stole the red flower of fire, and brought it down to earth in his reed.

After this, all the other creatures were afraid of man, for this red flower had made him stronger than them.
众神们听到朱比特下了如此的决定,没有一个敢说一句爱护人类的话。 然而,泰坦族的普罗米修斯本来就是在这片土地上成长的,所以很爱护土地上的人们,因此请求朱比特无论如何要宽恕他们,于是朱比特答应了他的请求。
在这时代的人类是居住在黑暗、阴郁的洞穴中。 他们的朋友普罗米修斯教他们如何盖简单的房子,那比从前的洞穴舒适多了! 这可算是向前迈进了一大步。但是,人类还有许多需要这个巨人帮忙的地方: 森林里的野兽或在岩石上筑巢的巨鸟都很强悍,而人类却很软弱; 狮子具有锐利的钩爪及牙齿;鹫长有翅膀;海龟裹着坚硬的甲壳。只有人类,即使面向星星的方位直挺挺地站立着,却没有任何武器可用来防卫。
普罗米修斯对人类说,他可以使他们得到朱比特那些在天空中闪闪发光的美丽火花。 因此他摘下中空的芦苇;攀上奥林匹斯山盗取那红色的火花,放入他的芦苇中,将它带到地面上来。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
