

"Since you think yourself so very skilful in spinning and weaving," said Minerva, "you shall do
nothing else but spin and weave all your life."

Upon this Arachne, in her new shape, ran quickly into the first dark corner she could find. She was now obliged to earn her living by spinning webs of exceeding f
ineness, in which she caught many flies, just as her father had caught fish in his nets. She was called the Spinner.

The children of this first little spinner have become very numerous; but their old n
ame of spinner has been changed to that of spider. Their delicate webs, which are as mist-like as any of Arachne's weaving, often cover the grass on a morning when the day is to be fine.
「既然你以为自己很擅长纺织,」蜜娜娃说:「那么我就让你的一生什么事都不用做,而只做纺纱织布的工作。」 于是,何瑞克宁带着一身新的外形,赶紧往她所能找到第一个黑暗的角落飞过去。
这时候她非得要靠织出极纤细的网,捕捉许多蝇虫过日子不可了!那个模样正如她的父亲用网来捕鱼似的。 于是人们叫它「蜘蛛」(纺织手)。
这只最早的小蜘蛛繁殖出许多后代来。但是它们原先叫做「纺织手」的古老名字,如今却变成「蜘蛛」这个名称。 它们经常在晴朗的清晨,把所纺出可与何瑞克宁的任何织物媲美的如薄雾般的蜘蛛网,覆盖在草地上。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
