

Pluto frowned more fiercely than ever.
"She has eaten six seeds of a pom
egranate," he said. "The Fates decree that whoever eats in Erebus may never leave."

"But only six little seeds!" begged Proserpine. "There are twice six months in the year.
Only let me see my mother! Let me feel the warm sunshine and soft winds, and gather flowers again, and I will come back to you!"

Pluto had grown to love Proserpine dearly. He could not bear t
o lose her forever, yet he wished her to be happy. So he agreed to let her go back to her mother for six months of the year, but the other six she promised to spend with him.

With Spring on one side an
d Mercury on the other, Proserpine journeyed up to earth, where Ceres awaited her.

As the ground opened to let them out, the cold winds hurried away beyond the sea. Ceres dropped her mantle of gray and
laughed with joy to hold her daughter once more in her arms. The bare branches burst into bud, and tiny leaves sprang from every twig. Starry white flowers sprinkled the moss, and the perfume of Spring filled the fore
命运之神注定──无论是谁?在阴间吃了东西就永远不能离开!」 布拉瑟蓓恩央求道:「只不过六颗小小的石榴子嘛!
一年之中却有两次六个月呀! 只要让我见见母亲; 让我再次感受温暖的阳光与柔和的微风;让我采撷些花朵,我会愿意回到你身边来的。」 普鲁特已深深地爱上了布拉瑟蓓恩。
他不能忍受永远失去她的痛苦。然而,他还是希望她能快乐。 于是,他答应一年之中有六个月的时间,让布拉瑟蓓恩回到她母亲那儿;其它六个月,她答应跟他在一起度过。
赛丽丝丢下她那灰色的披衫,欢悦地笑着,再一次把她的女儿抱在怀里。 光秃的树林突然发出嫩芽,绿叶从每一条细细的树枝上长出来。 亮丽如天上星星的白色花朵,散布在长满青苔的地面上。春天的芬芳,充满了整个森林。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
