

When you come to the river of the dead, Charon will ferry you over for one of your pieces of money. When you reach the gate of Pluto's palace, where Cerberus keeps watch, give that fierce dog one of the pieces of bread, and he will let you pass. You can then enter the palace where Proserpine is queen.
She will give you a portion of her beauty, shutting it into the box, and you can return by the same way, giving the remaining piece of bread to Cerberus, and the remaining piece of money to Charon. One thing more. I ch
arge you, do not, by any means, look into the box."

Psyche was thankful indeed for this advice, and followed it in every particular but one. When she was returning, she forgot the warning about not looking int
o the box. Since Love had flown away from her, her suffering had been so great that her beauty was nearly gone. Therefore, thinking that it might not be wrong to take a very little of Proserpine's beauty for herself, s
he raised the lid of the box. Whiff! A strange invisible something rushed from it and overcame her. She fell into a deep sleep, and might never have waked again if Love, cured of his wounds, had not p
assed by and seen her.
你来到亡魂之河,凯隆会拿你的其中一枚钱币,让你顺利过河。 你抵达由三头的狗守卫的冥府之门时,喂那只凶暴的狗一片面包,它也会让你通过。 那时,你就可以进入布拉瑟蓓恩女王的宫殿。 她会帮你把美的一部分装进箱子里,然后你再把剩下的一片面包给守门狗,剩下的一枚钱币给凯隆,用同样方法走回来。 另外有一件事。 我警告你无论如何都不许偷看那个箱子。」 莎姬真诚地感谢它的忠告,除了一件事之外,所有的事情她都按着忠告去执行。
她在归来的途中,忘记了不能偷看箱子的警告。 自从爱神飞离她以来,她饱受到太多的煎熬,导致她的美貌逐渐消褪;。 基于这个缘故,她心里想着取极小部分的布拉瑟蓓恩的美丽给自己,大概没有什么不妥吧!因而掀起箱子的盖子来。 咻! 不知是什么眼睛看不见的奇怪东西从里头冲出来,把她压倒。 她陷入深深的沉睡当中,若不是爱神伤愈,打从这里经过,因而发现她的话,恐怕她再也醒不过来了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
