

He held this flower out before him, at arm's length, and the moment the dragon smelt its strange odou
r, it lowered the crest on its drooping head, closed its fierce eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Then Jason took down the beautiful Golden Fleece from the oak, and went to tell his Argonauts that he had conquered the d
ragon, as well as the fire-breathing bulls, and had obtained possession of the coveted fleece. They all agreed that they had better take the Argo and sail for home while it was still night.

When the he
roes were getting the Argo under way, Medea stole away from the palace and joined them.

By the time the sun rose, the next morning, they were well out to sea. Word was brought to King AEetes that the A
rgonauts had taken the Golden Fleece and gone, and that Medea had gone with them. The king went down to the shore with a great company of armed men, and sent some of his war galleys after the Argo; but the Argo, leaving the Colchian shi
ps far behind, soon passed swiftly out of sight, and the angry king was left standing onthe Colchian shore.

The heroes reached Iolcus in safety, and there Jason reigned long and happily in the place of King Pelias, the
之后,杰逊由橡树上取下那美丽的金羊毛,并把自己征服喷火牡牛与那只龙,而获得垂涎已久的金羊毛之事,回去告诉阿格号的一行人。 他们一致认为趁着黑夜,搭乘阿格号返回自己的国家比较好。
当翌日清晨太阳升起时,他们已经出海很远了。 「阿格号」一行人取得金羊毛,米蒂娅也和他们在一起的消息,传到易特士的耳朵里。 国王于是带领大批武装士兵来到海岸,并派遣几艘军船追赶「阿格号」。然而,「阿格号」把可吉斯的船远远地拋在后头,快速地驶离视线,把愤怒激动的国王弃置在可吉斯的岸上而不顾!

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
