

When Orpheus came back to the meadows, he could not find Eurydice. He took his
lyre, and played his sweetest, most entrancing strains, while he wandered all about the mountains and valleys, calling to her. Her sister nymphs joined him in the search, and everywhere the hills echoed their calls of "Eurydice, Eurydi
ce!" But there was no answer.

Orpheus could not bear to give up Eurydice for lost. After he had looked everywhere on earth without finding her, he knew that she must be in the underwo
rld. He made up his mind that he would go down and play before King Pluto. He thought perhaps he could persuade Pluto and Proserpine to let her come back to the sunny valley again.

he went down into Pluto's kingdom, and there he played such a very sweet, sad song that tears came into the eyes of all who heard it. Even Pluto, whom men thought very hard-hearted, could not help feeling sorry for the singer.

When the song was over, Orpheus implored that Eurydice might be allowed to return with him to the upper world, saying that he could not return without her. Pluto consented to let her go on one condition, and t
hat condition was that Orpheus must have faith to believe that Eurydice was following him, and until he reached the upper air must not look back to see.
奥普斯返回牧场时找不到尤莉提丝。 他握着竖琴,徘徊在所有高山深谷中,一边呼叫尤莉提丝,一边弹奏着他最美的、最令人心荡神怡的音乐。 她的仙女姊妹们也加入寻找的行列,如此一来,四处充满着她们喊「尤莉提丝」的呼唤声。 但却始终不见半点回音。
奥普斯无法承受从此失去尤莉提丝的痛苦。 他找遍地上所有的地方,仍不见她的芳踪,这才觉悟到她一定在黑暗下界。 他决定到下界去,在普鲁特王面前弹奏。 他想或许可以说服普鲁特与布拉瑟蓓恩,让尤莉提丝重回那座充满阳光的山谷。
于是他来到普鲁特的王国,而且在那里弹奏出真正凄美动人的乐曲,以致听到的人都感动的流下眼泪。 连大家公认是最冷酷无情的普鲁特,也忍不住要同情。
乐曲弹奏完毕后,奥普斯说:「如不能带她走就不回去。」于是他恳求普鲁特允许尤莉提丝和他一起回到上面的世界。 普鲁特答应他的请求,不过有个条件,就是奥普斯必须确实相信尤莉提丝跟在自己的后面,在未到达上面之前,绝对不能回过头来看。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
