

I, for instance, am very glad to have had a fox as a friend......"

"He has no way of guessing the danger," I said to myself. "He has never been either hungry or thirsty. A little sunshine is all he needs......"

But he looked at me steadily, and repl
ied to my thought: "I am thirsty, too. Let us look for a well......"

I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. B
ut nevertheless we started walking.

When we had trudged along for several hours, in silence, the darkness fell, and the stars began to come out. Thirst had made me a little feverish, and I looked at
them as if I were in a dream. The little prince's last words came reeling back into my memory: "Then you are thirsty, too?" I demanded.

But he did not reply to my question. He merely said to me: "Water may also be good for the heart......"

I did not understand this answer, but I said nothing.
就像我一样,能有一只狐狸当朋友......" "他还是不了解这件事的严重性,"我想:
"他从来不知道什么是饥饿或是口渴。 他只需要些许阳光而已......" 他瞅着我,像是看穿我的心事般:"我也口渴了。
我们去找一口井吧......" 我的神态显得非常疲倦。
想在一望无际的沙漠之中,去找一口井,可真是难上加难。 话虽是如此,我们还是出发了。
夜幕低垂,月光悬挂天际,我们沉默不语走了好几个时辰。 因口渴使我有点神志不清,仰望星星,仿佛置身梦中一般。 脑子不禁又浮现小王子最后所说的话。
他并没有回答我的问题。 只是对我说:"水对心灵是有用处的......"

