

He found himself in the neighborhood of the asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, and 330.
He began, therefore, by visiting them, in order to add to his knowledge.

The first of them was inhabited by a king. Clad in royal purple and ermine, he was seated upon a throne which was at
the same time both simple and majestic.

"Ah! Here is a subject," exclaimed the king, when he saw the little prince coming.

And the little prince asked himself:
"How could he recognize me when he had never seen me before?"

He did not know how the world is simplified for kings. To them, all men are subjects.

so that I may see you better," said the king, who felt consumingly proud of being at last a king over somebody.
他抵达小行星 325、326、327、328、329 及 330 附近一带的行星。 于是他便逐一拜访这些行星,期望能借此增长见闻。
首先拜访的小行星上住着一位国王。 他身穿紫色貂皮袍子,坐在一张朴素又雄伟的宝座上。
"啊! 这回来了一个臣民了。"当国王看小王子的到来,不禁嚷叫了起来。
他并不知道,这个世界对国王而言都已经简化了。 所有的人都是他的臣民。

