

For what the king fundamentally insisted upon was that his authority should be respected. He tolerated no disobedience. He was an absolutemonarch. But, because he was a very good man, he made his orders reasonable.

"If I ordered a general," he would say, by wa
y of example, "if I ordered a general to change himself into a sea bird, and if the general did not obey me, that would not be the fault of the general. It would be my fault."

"May I sit down?" came n
ow a timid inquiry from the little prince.

"I order you to do so," the king answered him, and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle.

But the little prince was wonderin
g...... The planet was tiny. Over what could this king really rule?

"Sire!" he said to him, "I beg that you will excuse my asking you a question"

"I order you to ask me a question," the king hastened to assure him.

"Sire......over what do you rule?"

"Over everything," said the king, with magnificent simplicity.
基本上,国王所坚持的是他的权威应该要被尊重。 而且不容许有丝毫的违抗。
他是一位独裁专制的国王; 却也是一个好人,所以他下的命令都是通情达理的。
"倘若我命令一位将军,"国王比喻地说:"我命令一位将军把自己变成一只海鸟,而那位将军却没有服从我的命令,那也不能怪这位将军。 因为这是我的错。" "我可以坐下来吗?"小王子怯懦地说。
但是,小王子心中有疑问...... 这个行星这么小。 国王到底要统治什么?
"陛下......你都统治些什么?" "全部。"国王简洁有力地回答。

