

"Good morning," said the little prince.

"Good morning," s
aid the railway switchman.

"What do you do here?" the little prince asked.

"I sort out traveler, in bundles of a thousand," said the switchman. "I send off the t
rains that carry them: now to the right, now to the left."

And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman's cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder.

"They are in
a great hurry," said the little prince. "What are they looking for?"

"Not even the locomotive engineer knows that," said the switchman.

And a second brilliantly
lighted express thundered by, in the opposite direction.

"Are they coming back already?" demanded the little prince.
"我在调度成千的旅客,"转辙员说: "并把承载他们的火车派送出来,一下子向右,一下子向左。" 此时,一列灯火通明的快车,发出震耳欲聋的声响,快速疾驶而过,把转辙员的小屋震得摇摇欲坠。
"他们真是来去匆忙啊!"小王子说: "他们在忙什么?" "大概连火车司机也不明白。"转辙员说。

