

"Hum! Hum! That will be about......about......that will be this evening about twenty mi
nutes to eight. And you will see how well I am obeyed!"

The little prince yawned. He was regretting his lost sunset. And then, too, he was already beginning to be a little

"I have nothing more to do here," he said to the king." So I shall set out on my way again."

"Do not go," said the king, who was very proud of having a subjec
t. "Do not go. I will make you a Minister!"

"Minister of what?"

"Minister of......of Justice!"

"But there is nobody here t
o judge!"

"We do not know that," the king said to him. "I have not yet made a complete tour of my kingdom. I am very old. There is no room here for a carriage. And it tires me to walk."

"Oh, but I have looked already!" said the little prince, turning around to give one more glance to the other side of the planet. On that side, as on this, there was nobody at all..
"嗯!嗯! 那大概......大概......在今天晚上七点四十五分左右。 到时候,你就会明白我的命令是如何被执行了!" 小王子又打了个呵欠。
他非常惋惜失去看落日的机会。 同时,他也逐渐感到不耐烦了。
"在这里我没有什么事,"他对国王说: "那么我该进行下段旅程了。" "别走,"国王正为新获臣民而洋洋自得,便说道:
"别走。 我命令你当部长。"
"什么部长?" "法务部长......"

"到目前为止我还没有巡遍过我的王国。 我已经老了。 而且这里也没有地方可以停放马车。 何况走路又太劳累了。" "是啊!不过我可瞧得一清二楚呢!"小王子说着就转身望向这个行星的另一侧;

