

As each day passed I would learn, in our talk, something about the little prince's planet, his
departure from it, his journey. The information would come very slowly, as it might chance to fall from his thoughts. It was in this way that I heard, on the third day, about the catastrophe of the baobabs.

This time, once more, I had the sheep to thank for it. For the little prince asked me abruptly......as if seized by a grave doubt......"It is true, isn't it, that sheep eat little bushes?"

"Yes, that is true."

"Ah! I am glad!"

I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes. But the little prince adde
d: "Then it follows that they also eat baobabs?"
时光飞逝,我对小王子的认识与日俱增。我从他的口中了解他居住的小行星、他离开的原因以及旅途中的经历等等。 这些信息得之不易,都是他无意之间透露出来的。 在这种情况之下,我在第三天得知巴尔巴巨树的浩劫。
这一次,我仍然要感谢这只小绵羊。 因小王子突然问我......仿佛心里压着沉重疑惑......"绵羊真的会吃小灌木吗?" 我说:"是真的。"
那真是太好了。" 我并不明白绵羊吃灌木会是这么重要。

