

"And that is all?"

"That is enough," said the businessman.

"It is entertaining," thought the little prince. "It is rather poetic. But it is of no great consequence."

On matters of consequence, the little princ
e had ideas which were very different from those of the grown-ups.

"I myself own a flower," he continued his conversation with the businessman, "which I water every day. I own three volcanoes, which I
clean out every week once, for I also clean out the one that is extinct; one never knows. It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them. But you are of no use to the stars"

The businessman opened his mouth, but he found nothing to say in answer. And the little prince went away.

"The grown-ups are certainly altogether extraordinary," he said simply
, talking to himself as he continued on his journey.
"真有趣,"小王子心想。 "虽然颇有创意。 但是却毫无意义。" 至于有意义的事,小王子的想法和大人们可真是大相径庭。
"我有一朵花,"他继续和商人说着话:"我每天为它浇水。 我有三座火山,每个星期为它们清扫(我也清扫死火山,因为没有人能预测它何时会爆发。) 我对火山和花都有用处,所以我才拥有它们。 然而,你对星星们却一点用处都没有......" 商人瞠目结舌,却无言以对。

