

He began at once to break up the ground, and took up more than half the square stones with which
it was paved, but yet saw no sign of what he sought. Resting for a moment, he thought within himself, "I am much afraid my mother had cause enough to laugh at me." But he took heart, and went on with his labor. In a sudden, he discovered a white slab, which he lifted up, and under it, he found a staircase of white marble. He lighted a lamp at once, and went down the stairs into a room, the floor of which was laid with tiles of chi
naware, and the roof and the walls were of crystal. The room contained four golden tables, on each of which were ten urns of beautiful stone. He went up to one of these urns, took off the cover, and, with no less joy
than surprise, found it full of pieces of gold. He looked into all the forty; one after another, and found them full of the same coin, and, taking out a handful, he carried it to the queen.

His mo
ther was amazed at what he told her. "O my son!" said she, "take heed you do not lavish away all this wealthfoolishly, as you have already wasted the royal treasure. Give not your enemies so much cause to rejoice."

The queen desired to be shown the wonderful room, which her husband had made with such secrecy that she had never heard of it.
他立刻开始挖掘,把一半以上铺在地上的方块瓷砖都掘了起来,但仍看不见他所求的东西的踪迹。 他休息片刻心中暗想:「我深怕母亲又有笑我的理由了!」

再次振作精神,继续工作。 忽然发现一块白色的石片,他把石片举了起来,则见石片下有白色大理石阶梯。 他立刻点了一盏灯,走下阶梯来到一间小房间,地上铺着瓷砖,屋顶和墙壁是水晶建造成的。 室内有四张金色的桌子,每一张桌上放着十个美丽的石缸。 他走到其中的一个缸前,取下盖子,惊喜万分的见缸内满是金子。 他把四十个一一观看过,发现都装满着一样多的金币,于是伸手拿了一把,送回给王后看。。

母亲对于他所述说的事表示大为惊讶。 「啊!我儿,」她说:「你要留神不要愚笨的耗尽这些财富,像从前耗费国库一般。 不要给你的敌人制造快乐的理由。」

