

"Sister," replied Bahman, "my will is fixed, and you must let me go. Yet, a
s I may fail, all I can do is to leave you this knife. If, when you pull it out of the sheath, it is clean as it is now, it will be a sign that I am alive, but if you find it stained with blood, then you may believe me to be dead."

Then he bade adieu to her and Prince Perviz for the last time, and rode away.


When Prince Bahman got into the road, he never turned to the rig
ht hand nor to the left, but went directly forward towards India. The twentieth day he saw on the roadside a very singular old man, who sat under a tree near a thatched house. The old man was a Dervish, long retired fr
om the world.

Prince Bahman had been expecting all that morning to meet some one who would tell him the way to the place he sought, and saluted the Dervish with pleasant words.

od Dervish, I want some talk with you."

"Sir," said the Dervish, "tell me how I may serve you."

Then Prince Bahman asked him the way to find the speaking bird, the singing tree, an
d the yellow water. While he spoke, the old man's face became grave, and at first he made no answer.
「妹妹!」巴伦答道:「我心意已决,你必须让我去。 或许会失败,不过我会尽全力,现在我把此刀留给你们。 当你从刀鞘抽出刀时,假使刀清洁一如此时,便是我活着的记号;假使刀上染着血迹,那么你可以确信我已死了!」
当巴伦王子上路之后,他绝不右转,也不左转,总是向着往印度的方向一直前进。 到了第二十天,他看见路旁有个非常奇怪的老人,坐在茅屋旁边的一棵树下。 原来这老人是个久离尘世的回教隐士。

于是巴伦向他询问寻找能言鸟、歌唱树以及黄金水的道路。 同时,老人的脸孔变得严肃起来,刚开始没有回话。

