

"I expect as much," replied Cassim haughtily, "but I must know just where this treasure is and
how to visit it myself when I choose. Otherwise I will inform against you, and you will lose even what you have now."

Ali Baba told him all he wished to know, even the words he must speak at the door
of the cave.

Cassim rose before the sun the next morning, and set out for the forest with ten mules bearing great chests which he meant to fill. With little trouble he found the rock and the door, and,
standing before it, spoke the words, "Open, Sesame." The door opened at once, and when he was within closed upon him. Here indeed were the riches of which his brother had told. He quickly brought as man
y bags of gold as he could carry to the door of the cavern, but his thoughts were so full of his new wealth that he could not think of the word that should let him out. Instead of "Sesame," he said, "Open, Barley," and was much amazed to
find that the door remained fast shut. He named several sorts of grain, but still the door would not open.

At noon the robbers visited their cave. Cassim had heard the noise of the ho
rses' feet, and guessed that the robbers had come. He resolved to make one effort for his life.
「我会期望更多!」寇米傲慢地说:「而且我一定要知道宝库是在何处,当我想要时,如何自己去探访。 要不然,我将以告发来对付你,那么就是你现在所得的也将化为乌有!」
C 于是阿里巴巴把他要知道的全都告诉他了,就连在洞门前应说的口诀也告诉了他。
C 第二天太阳未出来时,寇米就起身出发向森林而去,他带了十只骡子,骡子身上背着他想塞满金钱的大箱子。 没有经过任何阻碍,他便找到了岩石和洞门,于是站在门前口中念着:「芝麻,开门!」 门立刻就开了,他一到里面门就自动关闭。 这里确实是他兄弟所告诉他的洞窟。 他赶紧尽己所能的多带几箱金钱到洞门口,但是他心中因充满了这新财富的快意,所以竟想不起来能使他出去的口诀。 然后他说了:「大麦,开门!」代替「芝麻,开门!」接着他非常害怕,因为门仍是紧紧地锁着。 他又说了许多种谷类的名词,但门却依旧打不开。

C 正午时,强盗们来看他们的洞穴。 寇米已经听得到马蹄声,猜想强盗已到。 他决定奋力逃命。

文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
