

My father was a rich merchant of good fame. He left me a large estate, which
I wasted in riotous living. I quickly saw my error. I resolved to walk in my father's ways, and embarked with some merchants on board a ship we had fitted out together.

We steered o
ur course towards the Indies. One day, whilst under sail, we were becalmed near a small island, rising but little above the level of the water and resembling a green meadow. The captain permitted such persons, as were
so inclined to land of this number, I was one. But whilst we were eating and drinking, and resting from the fatigue of the sea, the island all of a sudden trembled and shook us terribly.

The tremblin
g of the island was soon noticed on board the ship, and we were called to reembark quickly, or we should all be lost, for what we took to be an island proved to be the back of a sea monster. The nimblest got into the ship; others betook
themselves to swimming, as for me, I was still upon the island when it sank into the sea, and I had only time to catch hold of a piece of wood that we brought from the ship to make a fire. Meanwhile, the captain, having taken the other
s on board, resolved to make the most of the favoring gale that had just risen, and sailed away.
我父亲是个声名远播的富商。 他留给我一大笔的财产,但财产被我浪费在放纵的生活里。 过没多久我很快地发觉我的错误。 于是我断然地步上父亲的后尘,和许多商人共同预备了一艘船而出发去经商。

C 我们向印度群岛的航路驶去。 有一天,我们航行到靠近一个只少许露出水面,看上去很像草地的小岛屿附近,因风平浪静而使船停泊。 船长允许愿意登岸的人上岸,我是其中之一。 但当我们正吃吃喝喝且因航海的疲累而休息时,岛屿突然非常厉害的震动起来。
岛屿的震动,很快地被船长所注意到,而急着叫我们赶快上船,不然,我们将难逃一死了!因为我们所认为的岛屿,一经查证才知道原来是海怪的背部。 于是身手最敏捷的人很快地跳入单桅船;其它人则以游泳的方式;而我呢?当海怪沉入海中时,我还在它的背上,因而祇得紧紧抱住一块从船上带来预备生火的木头。 C 这时,船长等所有人都上船之后,就决定趁刚吹起的顺风立即将船驶离那里了。

