

As soon as I reached Baghdad, I presented myself before the caliph with the letter and gift. When he had read the letter he asked if the king of Serendib were indeed so rich and potent, and, bowing to his feet, I assured him that it was all true.

The caliph was much pleased with my account, an
d sent me home with a rich present.

Sindbad here finished the story of his last voyage. "Well, friend," he said, turning to Hindbad, "did you ever hear of any person that suffered so much as I have d
one? Is it not just that after all this I should enjoy a quiet and pleasant life?"

Hindbad in answer kissed his hand and said; "Sir, my pains are not to be compared with yours. You
not only deserve a quiet life, but are worthy of all the riches you possess, since you make so good a use of them. May you live happily for a long time."

Sindbad ordered another purse of money to be
given him, and told him to give up carrying burdens as a porter, and to eat henceforth at his table; for he wished Hindbad to remember all his life that he had a friend in Sindbad the Sailor.
我一到巴格达,就带着函件与礼物晋见君主。 他读完信后,问我史润迪国王是否确实如此的富裕和强盛?我于是俯首在他的脚下,郑重声明这些完全是真实的。

至此辛巴达已说完他最后一次的航海历险记。 「好朋友!」他转向哈迪达说道:「你曾听说有人受过这么许多的苦难吗? 在遭受这些苦难之后,我能享受宁静和快乐的生活,难道不是很公平的吗?」
C 哈迪达吻了辛巴达的手说道:「先生!我的苦痛是无法和你的相比。 而你不但应享受安乐的生活,更值得拥有这偌大的财产,因为你是很能善加运用它们的。 祝你永远快乐地生活着。」
C 辛巴达下令再取一袋金钱送给哈迪达,并告诉他放弃挑夫的肩负工作,以后都可以在他那里同席共餐,因为他希望哈迪达永远记得有这么一个名叫「辛巴达」的朋友。

