

Then I took leave of him, and went aboard the same ship after I had exchanged my goods for products
of that country.

Here Sindbad stopped, and gave Hindbad a purse of money, bidding him return the next day, and hear the story of the next voyage. This was repeated each day, till all the voyages were

The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor

After my first voyage, I meant to spend the rest of my days at Bagdad, but I soon grew weary of an idle life, and put t
o sea a second time. One day we landed on an island where we could see neither man nor animal. There were many fruits and flowers, and whilst some were gathering them, I took my wine and food, and sat down near a strea
m between two high trees, which formed a thick shade. I made a good meal, and afterwards fell asleep. I cannot tell how long I slept, but when I awoke, the ship was gone.

In this sa
d plight, I was ready to die with grief. Not knowing what to do, I climbed to the top of a lofty tree, where I could look about on all sides for signs of hope. Towards the sea, there was nothing but sky and water.
讲到这里,辛巴达便停下来,并给了哈迪达一袋金钱,请他明天再来听第二次航海的故事。 这样每天不停地讲着,一直把所有的航海探险记讲完为止。

初次航海后,我想在巴格达度过余年,但不久就厌倦这种无聊的日子,于是有了第二次出航。 有一天我们在一个岛上登陆,但登陆之后却看不见人,也不见鸟兽。 只有着许多的水果和花,当有些船员采食果子时,我则取出酒和食物,坐在靠近两棵大树的河旁荫凉处。 我愉快的饱餐一顿后便睡着了。 说不上睡了多久;但当我醒来的时候,船已不见了。
在此令人愕然的情形下,我警觉到自己即将因为这个灾难而死。 我因不知所措,而攀上一棵高大的树顶,希望能望见各处,找寻出路。 朝海上望去,除海天一色外别无他物。

