

When my bales were opened in his presence, he marveled at what they contained, above all, at the r
ubies and emeralds, which surpassed any in his treasury.

When I saw with what pleasure he viewed them, I fell at his feet and said: "Sire, not only is my person at your majesty's service, but the cargo of the raft, an
d I beg of you to dispose of it as your own."

But he would take none of my goods, and promised that I should leave his realm richer than I came.

Then I prayed the king to allow me
to return to my own country, and his permission was most kindly given. He would force a rich present upon me, and at the same time charged me with a letter for the Commander of the Faithful, our sovereign, saying to me: "I pray you give
this present for me, and this letter to the Caliph Haroun al Raschid, and assure him of my friendship."

The present consisted of one ruby made into a cup about half a foot high, an inch thick, and filled with round p
earls of half a drachm each; and the skin of a serpent, which was as bright as a piece of gold, and preserved from sickness those who lay upon it; besides a vast quantity of the best quality of wood aloes and camphor, and a female slave of great beauty,
whose robe was covered over with jewels.
但是他一点也不要我的货物,而且允许我在离开时,要使我的财宝比来时更多。 然后我请求国王允许我回故国,他很和善的答应了。 他坚持要送我一个贵重的礼物,同时交付我一封致给我信仰的至高无上的领导者之函件,并对我说:「我请你为我致上这个礼物和信札给回教君主,代我致上对他的友谊。」


