

From this instant I obey all your commands. I know who you are, for you are not
what you seem, and I will one day tell you more. In the meantime, say what you desire, and I am ready to obey you."

"Bird," said Periezadeh, "I have been told that there is not far off a golden water
, which is very wonderful. Before all things, I ask you to tell me where it is."

The bird showed her the place, which was just by, and she went and filled a little silver flagon which she had brought
with her. Then she returned to the bird and said: "Bird, this is not enough; I want also the singing tree. Tell me where it is."

"Turn about," said the bird, "and you will see behi
nd you a wood, where you will find this tree. Break off a branch, and plant it in your garden; it will take root as soon as it is put into the earth, and in a little time will grow to a fine tree."

he Princess went into the wood, and by the sweet concert she heard soon found the singing tree. When she had taken one of its branches, she returned again to the bird and said: "Bird, this is not yet enough. My two bro
thers, in search for thee, have been changed into black stones on the side of the mountain. Tell me how I may restore them to life."
从此之后,我服从你一切的命令。 我知道你是谁,因为表面上所看到的不是你真正的身分,将来我再告诉你。 同时,把你所要的说出来,我准备听从命令。」
「鸟儿!」特侣嘉说:「我听说离这里不远有极为稀罕的黄金水。 在谈其它事情之前,我要你告诉我它在什么地方。」
C 能言鸟把所在处指给她看,黄金水就在附近,她走过去盛了一些放在她带来的银瓶中。 于是她回到能言鸟处说道:「鸟儿,还不止这个呀!我还要歌唱树。 请告诉我,它在什么地方?」
「你回过头来,」鸟儿说:「就会看见在身后有一个树林,到那里你就能寻到歌唱树。 折下一枝树枝,把它种在你的花园里,它一入土就会生根,顷刻间即可长成大树。」
公主走入树林,因为听见了甜美的音乐,于是很快地找到了歌唱树。 并折了一枝树枝回到能言鸟那里说道:「鸟儿,这还不够。 我那两位来寻找你的哥哥,在山路旁变成了黑石头。 告诉我,怎样救回他们的性命?」

